Nothing brings the world together like a good old fashion worldwide pandemic. I noticed all the world news talks about the Coronavirus in terms of prevention in washing hands and other basic hygiene tips So, everyone should, of course, follow those rules.
But, in addition to basic hygiene rules, it is super important to maintain a very strong immune system during the coronavirus outbreak. And, in general, even when the virus outbreak is over everyone should continue eating healthy foods to maintain a strong immune system. Your immune system protects your body against outside invaders like bacteria and viruses.
I will probably repeat the word “antioxidant booster” many times.
Lemons & Other Citrus Fruits
Lemons are the King of citrus fruits when people think of Vitamin C. They are full of antioxidants that help boost the immune system and have anti-bacterial compounds. Besides that lemons are full of potassium and folate. Every day I squeeze a lemon in a cup and add hot water to it to drink in the morning. If you don’t have any lemons then look to eat other citrus fruits like grapefruit, kiwi’s, or oranges.
Red Bell Peppers
Did you know that a medium-size Bell Pepper has over 200% more Vitamin C than a lemon? I didn’t know that for years. But, bell peppers are rich of antioxidants, and vitamins like vitamin C and A. It is full of lycopene which studies have shown help prevent cancers. You can have bell peppers up with hummus for a healthy snack
So, pretty much any green vegetable is going to be packed with benefits. Broccoli is loaded with vitamin C and fiber. And, broccoli helps fight off toxins in the body which is especially beneficial to fighting off infections.
Spinach/ Dark Leafy Greens
Spinach is high in vitamin K and vitamin C. Plus, spinach is loaded with fiber. This wonderful green is full of antioxidants that help fight infections and is full of folate. Spinach provides the body with nutrients that help our blood cells stay healthy and protected.
I don’t know if I believe those garlic supplements. I do believe in raw garlic. If you eat garlic this wonder food boosts the number of virus-fighting cells in our blood. Garlic has selenium, vitamin c, iron, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. The magic of garlic is to crush it and let it sit for around 10 minutes before eating it. Why? When you crush garlic it realizes a compound known as allicin. What’s allicin? Allicin is an anti-bacterial that comes out of garlic after it is crushed. I don’t understand the science of it. But, allicin is super good for your immune system by supercharging it and protecting it from bad bacteria. It might burn your throat after your crush it and let it sit, so I often add it on top of an apple or other sweeter fruit.
Ginger and Turmeric
Again both ginger has super benefits for your immune system. They are both a power antioxidant and help reduce inflammation which is extra beneficial when it comes to strengthening our immune systems. And, furthermore ginger and turmeric help fight off bad bacteria.
Greek Yogurt/ Fermented Sauerkraut/ and Kimchi
Yogurt has live and active cultures that help fight off diseases. Yogurt provides calcium to keep our bones strong and is high in protein. It can help reduce the chances of you getting sick as it helps keep the good bacteria in our stomach fighting off any infections you may have gotten.
Fermented Foods like Sauerkraut and Kimchi help keep our gut healthy being full of healthy probiotics, and aids in our digestion. Plus, it helps with our body detox by getting out any bad bacteria. Luckily many companies make fermented sauerkraut and kimchi to buy in many different and tasty flavors
Drink Green Tea/ Matcha
Green Tea is full of antioxidants. Specifically, it has polyphenols which help fight infects and boost immunity against illnesses. My favorite kind of green tea is Matcha( which is a powder made from the full leaf of the tea).
Practice Meditation & Sleep 8 Hours a Night
Meditation helps you have a strong immune system by decreasing stress. And, when you give your body at least 8 of sleep you let your body’s cells have the chance to heal and regenerate. Sleep is how your body re-boots itself.