Quest Protein Cookies Review

Quest Protein Cookies Peanut Butter Flavor

I love cookies and pretty much all types of sweets. But, I eat mostly healthy unless I am traveling or it’s a holiday. So, when Quest came out with their new protein cookies I knew I had to review them. And, sometimes I think if you want a cookie then have a real cookie as your cheat treat of the week. Sometimes “healthy” alternatives are loaded with a lot of crappy ingredients claiming to be healthier than real sugar and flour. I have loved Quest’s other products for many years now and had to try their latest protein cookie.

Nutritional Info in Quest Protein Cookies Peanut Butter

One whole cookie has 14g of fat, 20g of carbs, 2g of sugar, and 16g of protein. Now, from a nutritional stat standpoint, everything looks great. I usually only eat half a cookie at a time as to only have 10 carbs. I like that it does not have a high sugar content.

Ingredients in Quest Protein Cookie Peanut Butter

Now, like all healthy foods sometimes when they try to make a healthy product they add in other things to a product. I like that the cookie has Stevia as a sweetener, but then they use Erythritol. I am not a fan of eating products often that have erythritol, as it is a sugar alcohol. Technically, erythritol is safe to eat of course. But, there are many health experts out that advise against the consumption of sugar alcohols.


I think they taste delicious. The texture to them is soft, and it is sweet without being overly sweet. The peanut butter is rich, and it does have a healthy taste to them from the whey mix they use.

Overall Thoughts

I love them, and while I would not eat them often I feel they are a great healthy treat when I need a cookie.

Quest Protein Cookies Review

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